my Peruvian recipes

Avocado Filled with Chicken Salad

Quinoa Pudding // Quinua con Leche

Quinoa Pudding with Coconut and Pineapple

Super Smoothie – Dad’s Fountain of Youth

Chicha Morada Sour

Ocopa Sauce

 This dish is very similar to papa a la huancaína, but the sauce is added peanut and huacatay.

Chocolate Macarons with Lucuma Mousse

Aji Mirasol Sauce

Beans With Escabeche Sauce

Lomo Saltado Risotto

lomo saltado with onions and tomatoes and risotto at the base.

Aji Amarillo Risotto

Scallop Cebiche

Cebiche de conchitas light and delicious.