peruvian entrees

Welcoming the Year of the Snake with Tallarin Saltado (Stir-fried noodles)

Pork Loin with Mango Chutney and Festive Rice – A Christmas banquet with Chef Ximena Llosa

Lomo a lo Pobre – A very rich poor man’s steak

#MeatlessMondays – Risotto with Huancaína Sauce

Estofado de pollo (Chicken stew) – The magic of home cooking

Pastel de Choclo (corn pudding) – Creamy and gluten-free

Corn pie, stuffed with beef, raisins, black olives and boiled eggs.

#MeatlessMondays – Crema de zapallo (squash soup). Healthy seasonal eating.

Sopa Criolla (Beef And Angel Hair Soup) – A Quick And Tasty Dinner

Seco de Carne (Cilantro Beef Stew) – Get Ready For Second Servings

A chat with Marie Elena Martinez, editor of The Latin Kitchen

Wheat Berry Stew – A Staple Of The Andean Diet

Quinoa Atamalada – Eating The Andean Way